NoScript detector by

Please detect if I'm using NoScript or not.

Wont work in IFrames and Framesets.

Variables in play:

- NoScript installed or not.
- Web site allowed or not.
- JS globally enabled or not.

Chart (X menas "YES, its recognized"):

 NoScript installed

 |        | allow (NS off)   | !allow (NS on)       |
 | JS on  | X (*2)           | X (*1)               |
 | JS off | X (*3)           | X (*1)               |

 NoScript not installed

 | JS on  | X (*2) |
 | JS off | X (*3) |

*1) Firefox will require noscript.html. Means that you have NoScript installed with as untrusted website. This happens regardless JS is globally ON or OFF.
*2) Firefox will require js.html. Means that JS is executed. This happens with JS globally ON and NoScript not present or as a trusted site.
*3) Firefox won't require a file. Means that JS is off and NoScript is not present or is present with as a trusted site.

Please detect if I'm using NoScript or not.

Francesco 'ascii' Ongaro -