When performing XSS attacks often happens that the payload is displayed, and executed, multiple times occurring in unwanted and unexpected behaviors. This can be avoided in many ways, for example using global variables in JS (eg: window['started'] = true;
) and checking for the variable existence at the very beginning of the payload, but when the filters are crazy and every char requires a notable effort (or when you are just hurry) one cheat gets the job done: the <PLAINTEXT> tag.
PLAINTEXT display rest of document as-is and in modern browsers can be referred as The Unstoppable Monster since there is no </PLAINTEXT> making the tag irreversible and showing the remaining HTML source with the last rendering settings using a monospaced font.
This is an obsolete tag that has been replaced by the PRE tag. It's behavior can be very odd on some browsers, including recent browser versions (some browsers do not recognize the closing tag, thus everything after the opening <PLAINTEXT> is rendered as plain text, including the closing BODY and HTML tags. [http://www.mountaindragon.com/html/plaintxt.htm]
This is an obsolete HTML element: <plaintext>
It was used to indicate the end of the html part of a document. It has been replaced by