Anurag Agarwal has published a reflection on our friend Stefano Di Paola. The interview contains a condensed auto-biography (nice reading, thanks Stefano!); integral text follows.
Anurag Agarwal has published a reflection on our friend Stefano Di Paola. The interview contains a condensed auto-biography (nice reading, thanks Stefano!); integral text follows.
Yesterday I (Francesco `ascii` Ongaro) found a low impact bug: basically it is possible to make the user visit a page that is not listed in the back/next button history. The fun happens when self.location.replace() is pointing to a page that issues an HTTP/1.x 302 Redirect + Location. Both initial and redirect page will not be listed.
Antonio `s4tan` Parata, software security researcher and member of the ush team interviews Rain Forest Puppy, famous bug hunter, specialized in web application assessment. It's a pleasure for us to publish the full interview, in this case talk is not cheap.