Some service misuse examples.
Some service misuse examples.
PHP5 Globals Vulnerability: with ?GLOBALS[foobar] you can set the value of the un-initialized $foobar variable.
This is both a PmWiki and PHP advisory, and works only with register_globals on. I totally missed the PHP GLOBALS[] GPC injection vulnerability and rediscovered that by my own (if just few month before! arg!). Basically in the worst scenario we are in front of two separate vulnerabilities: one regarding arbitrary remote file inclusion and code execution in PmWiki on PHP 5.x with globals on and the other about the reintroduction of a bug that should have been fixed in 5.0.5 but work (at last) on the 2 most recent version of PHP5.
L'articolo e' una traduzione in italiano di Google XSS Example.
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